Sunday 29 May 2011

Oil Spill in 2010

For those of you who don't truly see the importance of renewable energy, I decided to talk about a devastating  event that happened last year.

For those of you who are extremely environmental friendly, or try to be - thank you.
For most of us listen up!
The image above shows the impact on how far the oil spill has spread.

The oil spill that happened last year in March was horrifying. This article reminds us that we need to realize  that the oil company made an avoidable mistake, however, we are all responsible. Our lifestyle is addicted to oil and this company in question was feeding our addiction while making millions.
Natural disasters are heartbreaking, but if it is a man made disaster, it's disgusting. It could have been prevented.

The gulf spill has been the worst spill in American history with up to 17 and 39 million gallons of oil. As a result 150 endangered sea turtle are dead and 316 birds washed up on shore. It is predicted that it will take almost 7 years for the oil spill to clear in the sea.

Here's an animation video of how it happened,

11 workers and many animals died, along with a lot of jobs that have been jeopardized. Many people relied on the sea for their income and now they have had to change their lives. 

Notices like these have been placed around sea. 

After one year, the oil is still present killing wildlife, and land. 

This could have been prevented. We can live without oil completely. I realize that that is an extreme statement for our lifestyles today, but hopefully we can get there. Don't forget events like these. Everytime you fill your car up remember what you're contributing too.

Let it haunt you. Then invest in renewable energy. 

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